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Ye-Me-Lê (One 4 Sergio Mendes)

Ye-Me-Lê (One 4 Sergio Mendes)
Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
One time for Sergio Mendes. I always loved his music. It made me feel good. He was my introduction to Brazilian jazz music. Sergio Mendes & Brasil 66' albums were the first records I heard from him. The album, Ye-Me-Le´ was one of my favorites that I still play for my daughter often.

Rest in Paradise Sergio Mendes.
Thank you.

Michigan's Karat Gold Classic Kid. Producer. Artist. DJ. National Beat Battle Champion Self-Proclaimed Chop Artist - one who specializes in the true art of sampling and sonically "chopping" records to create unique beats and cool sound collages.
1/7th of the mighty Athletic Mic League. Member of Jaded Incorporated and RSXGLD.

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14KT - Ye-Me-Lê (One 4 Sergio Mendes)
