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in the dark mixtape

in the dark mixtape
Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
Used objects herein:

the host's wishes (chopped & screwed);
dreams without images;
this impossible other;
I see no one; and,
fer speculum aenigmate.


"His somewhat large, flat, pale blue-grey eyes had that peculiar look of fixity which comes from gazing at one set of objects and thinking of something totally different."

— David Lindsay, The Haunted Woman

"Look, it grows dark! The positive peace of everything fills me with rage, with something that is the bitter aftertaste of the air I breathe. My soul aches... In the distance a slow ribbon of smoke rises and disperses... A restless tedium blocks all further thoughts of you..."

— Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet

Also see:

horrow shows

Found tracks

the haunters - the haunters - in the dark mixtape
