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Aries EP

Aries EP
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Musician who call himself Stairway Maze, has wandered under the wings of our noise family thanks to its unusual concept and a fantastic connection of movie music and pulsating electronics. Hybrid rhythms in combination with tribal elements and beautiful atmospheres has enchanted us from the very first tones, so do not miss the debut of this talented artist, which is an encore to the upcoming album under our leadership. Musically, this piece is really great connection of genres from the industrial music - electro through atmospheric elements and classic music. Clear sound full of melancholy and pulsating electronics and piercing rhythms will be for sure the right balm for any enthusiast of honest underground culture.

Music by: Stairway maze
Design by: Stairway Maze
Mastered by: Headdreamer
Released by: Aliens production 2017

Industrial sounds from underground.
Slovak dark electronics label since 1997.
dISHARMONY, Oxyd,Gaping chasm,Anima mundi, Headdreamer, Structural fault, Tabor radosti, Frontier guards, Ambiguous, Samhain,Liob, Anhedonia,Ish, TOD,Polygon, Seneptika,Recfrag,Xsodect, Eclipsed, Stairway Maze, MediaData, Nermi,Jash Teua,Morbid Fancy,Egoist, Human Vault, Triode,Nadragea, End-Tek,Deflect, Fractal,CSIBD..

Found tracks

Stairway Maze - Aries
Stairway Maze - Entering Detroit
Stairway Maze - Pisces
Stairway Maze - Taurus
Stairway Maze - Mutilated Bodies In Johns Basement
