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Tales From The Earth

Tales From The Earth
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Ancient Settlers reveal details about their upcoming Ep "Tales From The Earth". In this new chapter, the band delivered an acoustic Ep, inspired by the nature and different cultures that lives in our planet.

This acoustic collection is a testament to the band's creative evolution and is set to captivate listeners looking forth a unique and enchanting acoustic experience.


1. The Pilgrims Memories.
2. Lehorrekoa Eta Itsasokoa (Feat. Inaxio Esnaola)
3. Mother Earth. (Feat Ivan Sensión)
4. Urqukunapa herencian (Feat. Hell Hammer)
5. Tales From The Earth (Feat. Lur Burn Red)
6. The Pilgrims Memories (Instrumental)
7. Mother Earth (Instrumental)
8. Tales From The Earth (Instrumental)

Released by Through Your Neck Records.

Founded in 2020, "Ancient Settlers" it´s a modern metal outfit, inspired by the recent tragedies that affect the way that humans live.

Chiesa: Guitar.
Riera: Drums.
Argen: Voice.
Herrera: Bass
Martinez: Guitar.

Twitter: @ancientsettlers
Instagram: @ancientsettlers

Found tracks

Ancient Settlers - The Pilgrims Memories
Ancient Settlers - Lehorrekoa Eta Itsasokoa (Feat. Inaxio Esnaola)
Ancient Settlers - Mother Earth. (Feat Ivan Sensión)
Ancient Settlers - Urqukunapa herencian (Feat. Hell Banger - Cusco)
Ancient Settlers - Tales From The Earth (Feat. Lur Burn Red)
Ancient Settlers - The Pilgrims Memories (Instrumental)
Ancient Settlers - Mother Earth (Instrumental)
Ancient Settlers - Tales From the Earth (Instrumental)
