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It was the hot summer of 1983.
A blue sky over Germany, in the small town Friedberg near Frankfurt/Main.
School holidays.
I was 11 years old.
At noon I were laying on the green meadow beside our house in the Birken street and held a Casio VL-1 Synthesizer in my hands.
There was a smell of ripe wheat from the huge wheat field behind the house.
I remember it so clear when I first pressed the keys of this little white Casio and heard the wonderful synthetic sound of this calculator machine.
These melodies and sounds created strong feelings inside of me.
It started like a Big Bang.
From this moment on I knew that I wanted to become a musician.
I had discovered the passion.
I had explored a part of love.
I had found my meaning of life.
The music.
Everything was music.
38 years later.
Today it's Thursday the 16th of December 2021 at night and I am sitting in front of a high tech portable computer and writing these words to you my dear reader.
Today I am living and working as a musician in the city Offenbach in Germany.
And the reason why you are reading these words is my latest electro album "DEKATRON".
You can imagine that many things has happened since this summer in the year 1983.
DEKATRON is one result of everything that happened in my life.
DEKATRON is somehow like a Matryoshka doll.
Life is like a Matryoshka doll.
I hope you enjoy my new album.,_Hesse
+++ DEUTSCH +++
Es war der heiße Sommer 1983.
Ein blauer Himmel über Deutschland, in der Kleinstadt Friedberg bei Frankfurt/Main.
Ich war 11 Jahre alt.
Mittags lag ich auf der grünen Wiese neben unserem Haus in der Birkenstraße und hielt einen Casio VL-1 Synthesizer in den Händen.
Von dem riesigen Weizenfeld hinter dem Haus roch es nach reifem Weizen.
Ich erinnere mich noch deutlich daran, als ich zum ersten Mal die Tasten dieses kleinen weißen Casio drückte und den wunderbaren synthetischen Klang dieser Rechenmaschine hörte.
Diese Melodien und Klänge erzeugten starke Gefühle in mir.
Es begann wie ein Urknall.
Von diesem Moment an wusste ich, dass ich Musiker werden wollte.
Ich hatte die Leidenschaft entdeckt.
Ich hatte einen Teil der Liebe erforscht.
Ich hatte meinen Lebenssinn gefunden.
Die Musik.
Alles war Musik.
38 Jahre später.
Heute ist es Donnerstag, der 16. Dezember 2021 in der Nacht und ich sitze vor einem High-Tech-Computer und schreibe diese Worte an Dich, liebe Leserin, lieber Leser.
Heute lebe und arbeite ich als Musiker in der Stadt Offenbach in Deutschland.
Und der Grund, warum ihr diese Worte lest, ist mein neuestes Electro-Album "DEKATRON".
Du kannst Dir sicher vorstellen, dass seit diesem Sommer im Jahr 1983 viel passiert ist.
DEKATRON ist ein Ergebnis von allem, was in meinem Leben passiert ist.
DEKATRON ist irgendwie wie eine Matroschka-Puppe.
Das Leben ist wie eine Matroschka-Puppe.
Ich hoffe euch gefällt mein neues Album.,_Hessen
ANTHONY ROTHER - DEKATRON // Production Notes //
Drums: FXpansion BFD3, Roland TR-808
Strings: Full Strings (Logic EXS24 Sampler)
Sequence: Moog Voyager Synthesizer, Waldorf Wave Synthesizer
Effects: TC Electronics VSS3 TDM, Waves H-Delay TDM
DAW/Sequencer: Logic Audio 9
Mixer: Avid Venue SC48 Digital Mixer with SPL Kultube inserted in the master output
Strings: Clavia Nord Wave Synthesizer, Waldorf M Synthesizer
Drums: Akai MPC-X, Roland TR-808
Vocal Effects: Eventide H8000
Sequence: Clavia Nord Lead 3 Synthesizer
Effects: TC Electronics VSS3 TDM, Waves Tap Delay TDM, Eventide H8000
DAW/Sequencer: Logic Audio 9
Mixer: Avid Venue SC48 Digital Mixer with SPL Kultube inserted in the master output
3L3C7ROphonia 7:14
Drums: Roland TR-808
Chords: Logic EXS24 Sampler Stabs & Chords Sounds Mixed
Choir: Logic EXS24 Sampler Choir
High Sequence: Roland SH-101 Synthesizer
Effects: Waves H-Delay TDM, TC Electronics VSS3 TDM, Arts Acoustic Reverb AU, Eventide Orville
DAW/Sequencer: Logic Audio 9
Mixer: Avid Venue SC48 Digital Mixer with SPL Kultube inserted in the master output
EXT 7:00
Drums: Roland TR-808, Roland TR-909, TC Electronics NonLin2 Reverb TDM, Eventide Orville
Vocal Effects: Eventide H8000
Effects: TC Electronics VSS3 TDM, TC Electronics NonLin2 Reverb TDM, Waves Tap Delay TDM,
Waves H-Delay TDM
DAW/Sequencer: Logic Audio 9
Mixer: Avid Venue SC48 Digital Mixer with SPL Kultube inserted in the master output
META ME 7:22
Drums: Roland TR-808, Clavia Nord Modular Engine
Bassline: Waldorf Quantum Synthesizer
High Sequences: Roland SH-101 Synthesizer
Synth String Melody: Roland JX-8P Synthesizer
Effects: TC Electronics VSS3 TDM, Waves H-Delay TDM, Eventide Orville, TC Electronics NonLin2 Reverb TDM
DAW/Sequencer: Logic Audio 9
Mixer: Avid Venue SC48 Digital Mixer with SPL Kultube inserted in the master output
Drums: Jomox XBase09, TC Electronics NonLin2 Reverb TDM
Bassline: Behringer TD-3 Synthesizer
High Sequence: Waldorf Wave Synthesizer
Effects: TC Electronics VSS3 TDM, TC Electronics NonLin2 Reverb TDM, Waves Tap Delay TDM,
Waves H-Delay
DAW/Sequencer: Logic Audio 9
Mixer: Avid Venue SC48 Digital Mixer with SPL Kultube inserted in the master output
Main Sequence: Korg MS-20 FS Synthesizer
Drums: Roland TR-808, Eventide Orville, Logic ES-1 Synthesizer
Main Sequencer Layer: Roland SH-101 Synthesizer
Bassline: Moog Voyager Synthesizer
Effects: TC Electronics VSS3 TDM, TC Electronics NonLin2 Reverb TDM, Waves Tap Delay TDM,
Waves H-Delay, Arts Acoustic Reverb AU, Eventide Orville
DAW/Sequencer: Logic Audio 9
Mixer: Avid Venue SC48 Digital Mixer with SPL Kultube inserted in the master output
All: SOMA Pulsar-23 Drum Synthesizer
The whole Track is made with the SOMA Pulsar-23
Except the high Sequences that start in the middle of the Track, this is Mini Moog AU Software, with Waves Tap Delay AU, Logic Space Designer with Lexicon L480 convolution Reverb.
The Pulsar-23 was triggered via DIN MIDI from the MPC-Software MacOS
The Arrangement is a Jam, the 2-Track Recording of the Jam was edited in the length with Logic Audio 9
Mixer: Avid Venue SC48 Digital Mixer with SPL Kultube inserted in the master output
Drums: Roland TR-808
Bassline A: Korg MS-20 FS Synthesizer
Bassline B: Moog Voyager Synthesizer
Vocoder: Clavia Nord Modular G2
High Sequence A: Roland JX-8P Synthesizer
High Sequence B: Waldorf Wave Synthesizer
Bass Pad: Roland JX-8P Synthesizer
Effects: TC Electronics VSS3 TDM, TC Electronics NonLin2 Reverb TDM, Waves Tap Delay TDM,
Waves H-Delay, Eventide Orville
DAW/Sequencer: Logic Audio 9
Mixer: Avid Venue SC48 Digital Mixer with SPL Kultube inserted in the master output
Drums: Roland TR-808, Eventide Orville
Bassline: Clavia Nord Lead 3 Synthesizer
High Melody Sequence: Roland JX-8P Synthesizer
High Sequence: Roland SH-101 Synthesizer
Dark String Melody: Clavia Nord Wave Synthesizer
Vocals Effects: Eventide Orville
Effects: TC Electronics VSS3 TDM, TC Electronics NonLin2 Reverb TDM, Waves Tap Delay TDM,
Waves H-Delay, Eventide Orville
DAW/Sequencer: Logic Audio 9
Mixer: Avid Venue SC48 Digital Mixer with SPL Kultube inserted in the master output
CRAY 7:16
Main Sequence: Waldorf Wave Synthesizer
Vocal Effects (Helen Schilp): Logic Audio Flex, Eventide H8000, Eventide Orville
Fast Sequence: Clavia Nord Lead 3 Synthesizer
Bassline: Clavia Nord Lead 3 Synthesizer
Drums: Roland TR-808
End Melody: Roland JX-8P Synthesizer
End Sequencer: Korg MS-20 FS Synthesizer
End Arp: Roland SH-101 Synthesizer
Effects: TC Electronics VSS3 TDM, TC Electronics NonLin2 Reverb TDM, Waves Tap Delay TDM,
Waves H-Delay, Eventide Orville
DAW/Sequencer: Logic Audio 9
Mixer: Avid Venue SC48 Digital Mixer with SPL Kultube inserted in the master output
Anthony Rother is described as an influential visionary, an electro pioneer and one of electronic music’s most prolific producers. For more than two decades Rother aggregated a vast musical canon that reflects his unique career as a sound researcher exploring the aesthetics far beyond the boundaries of electro, techno and pop music.