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One Last Time

One Last Time
Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
Our time on this planet is running out: we are destroying the foundations for life, and although we have the means to tackle pollution, global warming, poverty, and overpopulation, we refuse to do anything that could possibly jeopardise our oh so sacred economic growth.

But on a planet with finite resources, there can be no infinite growth - yet instead of drawing the right conclusions from these developments, we point fingers at those who warn of the consequences of our actions.

We will inevitably be wiped off the face of the earth because we have proven ourselves to be too selfish, too brutal, and too ignorant - and when finally our last time comes, we will be no more than a speck of dust in the wind, and the last light of love will fade away into eternity.

Antichrisis is a German duo consisting of Sid & Ayuma. Their music can not be categorised that easily because it is in fact a melting pot of Pop, Rock, Folk, Electronica, Dark Wave, Alternative, Country, Post Punk and Wossisname -- hence you might have to find out for yourself what Antichrisis is all about, but always expect the unexpected.

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Antichrisis - One Last Time
