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Locust Land

Locust Land
Pre-order of Locust Land. You get 3 tracks now (streaming via the free Bandcamp app and also available as a high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more), plus the complete album the moment it’s released.
Rolling and tumbling in his own sweet way, guitarist Bill MacKay discovers a territory all his own: Locust Land. New vistas abound: Bill adds a measure of keyboard playing to his picking mastery, sings a few more, and, a devout and ceaseless collaborator, features a few other players (Sam Wagster, Mikel Patrick Avery and Janet Beveridge Bean). Whether played solo or with companions, Bill’s music projects the strength of the universal collective.

Bill MacKay is a musician and a musician’s friend — a genial guitarist/composer/improviser based in Chicago who has energized the experimental folk, rock and avant scenes
around town with his polyglot approach to the guitar, combining the folk of Appalachia,
the blues and gospel with rock, jazz, western-country and an array of eastern modes.

Found tracks

Bill MacKay - Phantasmic Fairy
Bill MacKay - Keeping in Time
Bill MacKay - Glow Drift
Bill MacKay - Half of You
Bill MacKay - Oh Pearl
Bill MacKay - Radiator
Bill MacKay - When I Was Here
Bill MacKay - Neil's Field
Bill MacKay - Locust Land
