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Absolute Elsewhere

Absolute Elsewhere
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Blood Incantation’s Absolute Elsewhere is unlike anything you’ve ever heard before. At roughly 45 minutes, the two compositions that make up this album are as confounding as they are engaging in their scope, melding the 70's prog leanings of Tangerine Dream (whose Thorsten Quaesching appears on „The Stargate [Tablet II]”) with the deathly intent of Morbid Angel. Absolute Elsewhere, which takes its title from the mid-70's prog collective (best known as a celestial stopover for King Crimson drummer, Bill Bruford), Blood Incantation are leaving the notion of genre behind and writing a new language for extreme music itself.

Cosmic Music for Cosmic People since 2011.

Found tracks

Blood Incantation - The Stargate [Tablet I]
Blood Incantation - The Stargate [Tablet II]
Blood Incantation - The Stargate [Tablet III]
Blood Incantation - The Message [Tablet I]
Blood Incantation - The Message [Tablet II]
Blood Incantation - The Message [Tablet III]
