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Exhibit B

Exhibit B
Comes in a full size CD jewel case with cover art by Micah Player and CD that spins really really fast in your CD player that makes amazing music!

Includes unlimited streaming of Exhibit B via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
Brent Seavers of the Sacramento, CA power pop band The Decibels has once again given us an action-packed hook-driven selection of pop tunes on his second solo album, "Exhibit B".

You'll definitely hear some very Decibels-esque tunes capturing the same high-energy & and mod-stylings that you've grown accustomed to, but you'll also get a light sprinkling of mod, indie, psych, and garage rock that makes it clear why Brent cites The Monkees, The Plimsouls, The Jam, The Primitives, and The Beatles as some of his favorite influences.

Brent Seavers writes music - music that you can dance to. Or sit very very still to. Or eat to. Basically, Brent writes music for any 'everyday' occasion.

Did you fall in love in second period, but then fall back out of love by lunchtime? He's got you covered.

Metaphorically, anyway. Your clothes probably have you covered literally.

Play it loud.

Found tracks

Brent Seavers - Roller Coaster Ride
Brent Seavers - Of Poetry
Brent Seavers - Evolves
Brent Seavers - Her
Brent Seavers - Push Me Down
Brent Seavers - The Noble Cause
Brent Seavers - The Universe and I
Brent Seavers - No Perfect Way
Brent Seavers - Stumbling
Brent Seavers - Lullaby
Brent Seavers - Till It's Over
Brent Seavers - Fuzz Off
Brent Seavers - Raining In My Head
