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I forgot something, didn't I.

I forgot something, didn't I.
Includes high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app.

Both the B-Sides of "72 Minutes of Fame" and a small collection of songs intended for other cool guys.

hi it's me your favourite music man, daniel.

you probably know me from minecraft and then came to stay for all the other music that gets you working.

or you are just stopping by.

whatever it is, hi, I'm your favourite human, and occasional music man, daniel. welcome.

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We found a link where it is possible to download the entire album for free, in high quality!
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Found tracks

C418 - The Long-Winded and Painful Death of Sweeney S Greenville
C418 - Meatcraft
C418 - shit with a twist!
C418 - a game select thing
C418 - Something loud, old and scary
C418 - song that didn't get on the new album #1
C418 - song that didn't get on the new album #2
C418 - something avant garde and experimental, which could have just been called experimental
C418 - Inappropiate BADWORD Deluxe
