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Evocation for the Damned

Evocation for the Damned
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Metro Manila, Philippines' nihilistic duo Coalminer's debut full length offering Evocation for the Damned reeks of soul-crushing desperation and noise-ridden insanity. Recorded and produced at the MRS by Robert Glenn Dilanco (Lush Death, Coalminer), Evocation for the Damned is 3 songs and 30+ minutes of relentless harsh noise, brain scraping tones spewing forth a cesspool of nightmares. With lyrical themes depicting imageries of isolation, depression, anxiety and inevitable death, Evocation for the Damned serves as a devastating soundtrack for suicide.

Camellinggus Records (2019)

Found tracks

COALMINER - Vibrations in the Human Skull
COALMINER - Faces and Fórn
COALMINER - Evocation
