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Yurugu menticide Camps

Yurugu menticide Camps
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The reprogramming of Afrikan People has resulted in us losing everything from within because of our love for integration we have adopted miseduction as result our families are at the brink of death our value system has been undermined by our oppressor taking advantage of our oppressive conditions and has miseducted us into hating our culture and we value his laws above our own culture we have become sitting ducks for anyone organized enough to oppress us, fighting for your people has become madness the Afrikan is dying spiritually and exterminated PHYSICALLY

The Prince of Broken Beats "Cool Affair' a man who comes from a jazz background and is a second generation Sound Engineer/ Producer/deejay from South Africa. he specializes in Electro Jazz/broken beat/Nu jazz He also produces House music,Afro Beat and Instrumental hip hop,he started his music production career in 2006 as a broken beat and deep /Soulful house producer.

Record Label Owner

Found tracks

Cool Affair - Cool Affair - Believe It
Cool Affair - Cool Affair - illusions Of Sanity
Cool Affair - Cool Affair - Information Madness
Cool Affair - Cool Affair Feat. Itu Neter - Yurugu Menticide Camp
Cool Affair - Cool Affair - Freedom Dance
Cool Affair - Cool Affair - Reactionary Masculinity
Cool Affair - Cool Affair - Revolution Reincarnation
Cool Affair - Cool Affair - Confused magicians
