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Anechoic Chamber Outcomes I

Anechoic Chamber Outcomes I
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“Anechoic Chamber Outcomes I” is the first full length album of the Italian band Da Captain Trips.
After a self produced Ep in 2010 and many shows around Europe supporting bands like Vibravoid, White Hills, Fatso Jetson, Samsara Blues Experiment, Yawning Man, they finally comes in a full length.
Seven tracks for a total of 42 minutes of pure instrumental groovy psychedelic rock never boring, influenced by all the blues and the psychedelic space rock of the 60's and the 70's.
Da Captain Trips was born basically as a jam band who capture its own nature on stage carried by the atmosphere of the moment in fact on this record they have tried to recreate the same attitude and the spontaneity they use normally on stage and in rehearsal room .

Da Captain Trips is an istrumental psychedelic rock band based in the north of Italy.

Found tracks

Da Captain Trips - Merfolk Ride
Da Captain Trips - Sargassian Way To Definitive Blue
Da Captain Trips - Leaving The Mainland Again
Da Captain Trips - Mah-Ras-Kas
Da Captain Trips - Floating
Da Captain Trips - Old Man From The Sea
Da Captain Trips - Siren's Call
