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Ohio ('24)

Ohio ('24)
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Ohio ('24)

1. Ohio ('24)
2. Little America
3. Always Memphis

Written by Damien Jurado
Directed by Damien Jurado
Produced and Orchestrated by
Lacey Brown and Damien Jurado

Aura Ruddell
Zach Alva
Lacey Brown
Jacob Baughman
Kumiko Long
Alexander Johnston
Stevan Alva
Elliott Green
BJ Choe
Jamie Spiro
Tennyson Morin
John Michael Barich

Taped live on set by J&B at Fremont Abbey, Seattle, Washington.
The events, characters and firms depicted in this feature are fictitious.
Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual firms is purely coincidental.

Maraqopa Records 2024 (MQR012)

“Sometimes You Hurt The Ones You Hate” out now on Maraqopa Records

Found tracks

Damien Jurado - Ohio ('24)
Damien Jurado - Little America
Damien Jurado - Always Memphis
