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Three Thousand Realms in a Single Thought Moment 一念三千

Three Thousand Realms in a Single Thought Moment 一念三千
Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
As a band, and as individuals, we are always trying to evolve, always educating ourselves, and forever looking to combine new theatrical elements into our performance to exemplify our personal evolution on stage. We hope that by doing so, our audience will evolve and educate themselves along with us.
“Three thousand realms in a single thought moment” refers to those multitudes of thoughts that arise in daily life. There are ten worlds in each moment, and each of those worlds is possessed of those same ten worlds again. In turn, each of those worlds possesses thirty realms. So, in any single moment of life, there are three thousand realms.
Delusions and distractions fly around us like these three thousand boundless worlds. As such, it can be difficult to escape the shackles of the mundane. Our thoughts flit between heaven and earth from day to day, back and forth, and back again. Though the external environment is often filled by the emptiness of the earthly concepts of contempt, power, and fame, as long as your heart and mind are clear, no matter where you go, you will roam in what we call the Western Pure Lands. This is the idea behind our performance—a mix of heaven and hell, the earthly and the otherworldly—a moment of clarity amidst the three thousand realms.



Dharma is quite likely the first band in the world to combine ancient and traditional Buddhist sutras with the modern style of death metal.

The inherit ferocity of death metal augments the will of the scriptures to instill within the listener a sense of spiritual relief and undeniable passsion through the release of karma.

Found tracks

Dharma - The Maha Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra 般若波羅密多心經 "Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya"
Dharma - Six Character Great Bright Mantra 六字大明咒 "Om Mani Padme Hum"
Dharma - Ksitigarbha’s Karma Eliminating Mantra 地藏菩薩滅定業真言心咒 "Om Pramardane Svāhā"
Dharma - Vajrasattva Hundred Syllable Mantra 金剛薩埵百字明咒 "Vajrasatvaśatākṣaraṃ Mantra"
Dharma - Namo Amitabha 南無阿彌佗佛 "Namo Amitābha"
Dharma - Repentances Sin Eradication Dharani 懺悔滅罪真言 "Oṃ Sarva Pāpa Vi-sphoṭa Dahana Vajrāya Svāhā"
Dharma - Manjushri Bodhisattva Mantra 文殊菩薩心咒 "Mañjuśrī Mantra"
Dharma - Vairocana Mantra of Light 光明真言 "Vairocana Buddha Mantra"
