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Effortless Peace – Healing Piano Sounds (90 min)

Effortless Peace – Healing Piano Sounds (90 min)
Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
This is a longer piano recording that has been created carefully to support you in finding better sleep.
It invites you to relax and to let go of negative thoughts. It is silence in sound, emanating out of the love to heal whatever needs healing.
The caressing piano sounds create a peaceful background atmosphere.

A beautiful world of peace, silence, joy and happiness can be found within ourselves. This is where this music emanates from.

Gotama learned to play the piano with different teachers around the world.

He now lives with his spiritual master Mooji in Portugal. The silence found through Mooji's pointings is the base for Gotama's music.

All Praises to my Guru Moojibaba!

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Gotama - Effortless Peace – Healing Piano Sounds (90 min)
