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Afterglow is Isbjörg’s second release from their upcoming second full-length album which is expected to be released in early 2024.

Along with the latest release ‘Ornament’, ‘Afterglow’ marks a new era for the band who, since the release of their debut album ‘Iridescent’ in 2019, have welcomed Jonathan Kjærulff Larsen as their new front figure.

‘Afterglow’ is a grand, energetic and modern rock ballad that engulfs the listener in a melancholic soundscape driven by lead singer Jonathan Kjærulff Jensen’s powerful voice and balanced by Isbjörgs characteristic piano-centered rock sound. Lyrically, the song is centered around two people's loss of control, whose carelessness and unusual actions result in a negative spiral of which they can’t escape.

Isbjörg is a piano-centered progressive rock band formed in 2015.
The Danish 6-piece write, record, mix and master their music themselves. The aim of the band has always been to surprise and break musical boundaries without compromising the songwriting. Odd time signatures and polyrhythms combined with catchy hooks and lush melodies capture the listener in an intense and unpredictable soundscape.

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Isbjörg - Afterglow
