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Sul limite dell'orizzonte

Sul limite dell'orizzonte
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Based on a true story
Richard, father of the young Madeleine, tells his experience on the threshold of death, to her and his wife Rosy, the three of them were rescued after a car accident. Madeleine, in turn, tells this story to us and, thus, from this strong emotional impact, the song "Sul limite dell'orizzonte" (On the limit of the horizon) and the subsequent video were born. I VIaggi di Madeleine are: Francesco Carella voice and keyboards, Giuseppe Cascarano guitars, Giuseppe Quarta drums, with the participation of Mauro Bux on bass.
Track recorded at Sudestudio di Guagnano (LE) - Italy with Stefano Manca
I Viaggi di Madeleine are distributed by G.T. MUSIC Distribution by
Antonino Destra and Vannuccio Zanella

Our music transcends reality and projects itself into surreal, dreamlike worlds, which in some way are the metaphors of the time we live in. The epilogues of the stories we tell, most of the times are not rosy, even if characterized by messages of hope and human salvation.

Found tracks

I Viaggi di Madeleine - Sul limite dell'orizzonte
