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Earth Heart: Music for Yoga Vol. 1

Earth Heart: Music for Yoga Vol. 1
I consider music to be the expression of the divine order of the One. It is my great honor to be a conduit for this music.

My intention in creating this album is to birth music that supports and resonates peace. It is my belief that music offers us a direct interface to the inner workings of the universal order; harmony.

By combining ancient universal laws of vibration with modern technology, my aim is to present music that drips with sublime beauty, graces inner stillness, supports yoga, breath, movement, meditation, and most importantly, deepens and resonates one's inner sanctuary of peace.

My wish is that this music is used to create a more unified, harmonious existence from the inside out and the outside in, to further our blooming into divine order, harmony, and peace.

My deepest love and gratitude to God, my parents, God, my teachers, God, my friends, and God.
... more
This music is representative of the element Earth. Stable and supportive, this music was composed to deepen one's inner constitution.

Created specifically, but not exclusively for yoga, this music is unobtrusive and allows the participant to drift on the waves of sonic tapestries. It has also been engineered as to allow space for instruction or chanting without cognitive competition of attention grabbing melodies or forefront vocals.

It is flexible and dynamic to allow for free movement and flow. The rhythms are mostly a slower-mid tempo which entrains the heartbeat to states of active relaxation.

The instrumentation is a mixture of guitar soundscapes, modern vibration raising customized healing synth sounds, and organic percussion that outline and mimic the heartbeat at it's core.

It is my wish that you enjoy this music and it allows a space to go deep within yourself which further instills peace, love, and good happiness stuff.
ShalOm Shanti

Found tracks

Josh Brill - Shema
Josh Brill - Jai Ma (feat Suzanne Sterling and Joey Lugassy)
Josh Brill - Expressions of Anahata
Josh Brill - Inward
Josh Brill - Root to Expansion
Josh Brill - Rising
Josh Brill - Shiva
Josh Brill - Grace
Josh Brill - Savasana
Josh Brill - Tiferet
