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Kaidi's 5ive

Kaidi's 5ive
Kaidi Tatham is the Herbie Hancock of the 21st Century!

Back in stock on vinyl for Bandcamp Friday is the rare and iconic Kaidi's 5ive

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Includes unlimited streaming of Kaidi's 5ive via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
Download available in 24-bit/44.1kHz.
If there is one artist that has truly become synonymous with jazz re:freshed over the years, it is Kaidi - the energy, the skill, the showmanship, the innovation, the genius.

The vibe behind the West London/broken beats/nu-jazz scene as a core member of Bugz In The Attic, Kaidi's 5ive continues the lineage of jazz, fusing it with his own twisted funk, boogie and electronica.

++Available here for a short time until the full digital release in september 11++

The Herbaliser, , dego & kaidi,tatham,mensah,lord & ranks etc, etc!

Found tracks

Kaidi Tatham - Don't hide your love
Kaidi Tatham - To my surprise
Kaidi Tatham - Dyno
Kaidi Tatham - For all the love in time
Kaidi Tatham - Organic Juggernaut
