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Remember That I Love You

Remember That I Love You
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For legal reason I had to re-record My Rollercoaster. Before the album came out I specifically asked K Records about that song and they told me everything was fine, but then I was sued for one part of the medley in the original version. Part of the settlement was that the album had to go out of print until the song was pulled or re-done. This was happening at the same time that I began to realize K Records was not paying me and lying to me about what they owed me. So instead of re-recording the song and letting K reissue the album, and continue keeping the money from it, I let the album/song stay out of print until I was completely free from K and I could release it myself. So here are all 12 songs together - after all these years.

Sorry about that. The music biz is a mess.

I love you.

Found tracks

Kimya Dawson - Tire Swing
Kimya Dawson - My Mom
Kimya Dawson - Loose Lips
Kimya Dawson - Caving In
Kimya Dawson - Better Weather
Kimya Dawson - Underground
Kimya Dawson - I Like Giants
Kimya Dawson - The Competition
Kimya Dawson - France
Kimya Dawson - I Miss You
Kimya Dawson - 12/26
Kimya Dawson - My Rollercoaster (new version)
