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White Noise Everywhere

White Noise Everywhere
marbled blue/white vinyl

special vinyl-only artwork by Matthias Andersen-Gassner

comes with the vinyl-exclusive song "It's the Perfect Model Mr. Bonini, Ask Scooby!"

Includes unlimited streaming of White Noise Everywhere via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
"Post-New-Artrock" - Eclipsed-Rock-Magazin

"Sorgfältig konstruierte Stücke werden nahtlos durch Drones und Klangcollagen miteinander verbunden, was dem gesamten Album Flow gibt." - VISIONS Magazin

Since its foundation, the self-defined two-man loop orchestra from Vienna made the loopstation their primary songwriting tool and meanders somewhere between ambient soundscapes and noisy post-rock.
Meticulously compiled and ever-changing guitar melodies combined with with a multitude of effects as well as synthesizer sounds are piling up as subsequent loops and into immense walls of sound - on top of which the live dynamics of the two multi-instrumentalists are even more enthralling.
An immersive soundtrack and captivating musical atmosphere is created- amidst the white noise everywhere in our lives.

the loop orchestra from Vienna.
ok, we play rock music.

Found tracks

le_mol - Mdme Psychosis
le_mol - White Noise Everywhere
le_mol - 1/f bruo
le_mol - Hands
le_mol - #ffffff limestone in july
le_mol - Takotsubo
le_mol - Por que Esta Todo En Espanol?
