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Sangeet - The Sacred Path [EP]

Sangeet - The Sacred Path [EP]
Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
The sacred warrior conquers the world not through violence or aggression, but through gentleness, courage, and self-knowledge. The warrior discovers the basic goodness of human life and radiates that goodness out into the world for the peace and sanity of others.

Lump Records frames into the research of sounds that come from cultures in which music is part of the spiritual process of awakening and bring those vibrations to the dance floor of some of the most important clubs and festival worldwide.

Found tracks

Lump Records - Sufis in Candolim - Sangeet
Lump Records - Wahe Aleem - Sangeet
Lump Records - Govinda Hare - Sangeet
Lump Records - Bubblefields - Sangeet
