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Housework ~ Mogador (Jota Karloza remix)

Housework ~ Mogador (Jota Karloza remix)
Includes high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app.
From Chicago, Housework represent the perfect balance between clasic House and contemporary multicultural electronic music, he is part of a selected group of dj's and producers from the place where all this start ...
With Mogador Ep in Lump Records bring some of his roots with many percutive elements that take us to the desert, perfectly mixed with a strong and deep groove as background for those psichodelic and exotic sounds...a trip.

Lump Records frames into the research of sounds that come from cultures in which music is part of the spiritual process of awakening and bring those vibrations to the dance floor of some of the most important clubs and festival worldwide.

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Lump Records - Housework ~ Mogador (Jota Karloza remix)
