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Sun Colored Eyes

Sun Colored Eyes
Includes high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app.
The sound of this album is something I started working on since I finished producing Children Of Mirror. I consider this album something unique with a different sound than what you would normally find wandering around the different tags within Bandcamp.

Like I always say. I hope you like this album and enjoy it as much as I enjoyed producing each of the tracks. Keep enjoying the music and stay safe.

Here I upload music that I normally do at 4 A.M.

You can download all my albums and tracks in the following link (

The content uploaded to this Bandcamp is mostly copyrighted content. Someone is uploading this content to digital platforms without my permission, any questions contact me.

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We found a link where it is possible to download the entire album for free, in high quality!
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Found tracks

Mabisyo - A Love Letter
Mabisyo - Tell Me What You Think
Mabisyo - Loyalty Is An Element
Mabisyo - Dangerous Ideas
Mabisyo - Your Future Is Questionable
Mabisyo - Life Is a Countdown
Mabisyo - Dreams Of a Snake
Mabisyo - Ancient Sounds
