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Music From A Sinking World

Music From A Sinking World
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Seven symphonies for heartbreaking, melancholy loops..
The "Music From A Sinking World" album project is in its entirety the recovery of some tape loops (recorded between March and October 2020), erected on orchestral fragments, static interruptions and blurry depths.

Ipnotiche movenze in graduale dissolvimento per sonorizzare una lenta e placida fine del mondo. È una malinconia quieta e avvolgente l’emozione imperante su cui si sviluppa il nuovo lavoro di Andrea Porcu sotto l’abituale alias Music For Sleep, onirica successione di sette itinerari atmosferici costruiti a partire da diafane sequenze su nastro registrate durante lo scorso anno.
Imperniate sul mesmerico sviluppo di flessuose frequenze circolari, le strutture ambientali scolpite disegnano vaporose trame in lento decadimento, sature modulazioni striate da sottile polvere che si muovono verso un orizzonte distante ed indefinito. Una calda luce si irradia da questi rarefatti flussi, la cui quasi impercettibile grana costituisce l’unico elemento materico. Inevitabile è il rimando alle spirali in maestosa decomposizione del capolavoro di Basinski, malgrado non ci si trovi qui di fronte ad un unico infinito tracciato, ma ad una raccolta di relativamente brevi traiettorie accomunate da un’identica aura solenne, quasi sacrale, a cui affidare il proprio sentire.
(Review by Peppe Trotta - SoWhatMusica -

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Under the moniker Music For Sleep, artist Andrea Porcu’s 2021 release Music From A Sinking World is a beautiful and haunting work of melancholic tape loop ambience. Across seven vignettes or ‘short trajectories’ as music writer Peppe Trotta described it, Music From A Sinking World is like standing still in a cold marble gallery of a bombed out museum. The pieces themselves are distinctive and worthy of individual attention, yet contribute to the collective works’ melancholic and haunting potency.

The record is beautiful and haunting and everything else one could wish for in a masterful Ambient album. Originally recorded from March to October of 2020 and later recovered, each song on Music From A Sinking World takes a singular motif from an orchestral recording and amplifies subtle emotional qualities through a thick blanket of melancholia.

Acting like wind erosion on the listener’s perception of time, the work of Andrea Porcu feels at the behest of some greater current of the universe. Muddled melancholic loops spin like Ouroboros, bleeding out as reverb across any definitive point in the cycle. Andrea Porcu’s sculpting of tone and texture are beautiful, but it is the subversion of the listener’s perception of time, drenched in melancholy, which is the greatest takeaway of Music From A Sinking World.

Music is an art of movement, and so our perception of it is through the lens of time. How fitting is then that its end always sneaks up on the individual?
(Review by Resident Sound -

A personal and intimate music diary of Italian composer Andrea Porcu.

Music For Sleep (2016/2023)

Found tracks

Music For Sleep - A Quiet Storm
Music For Sleep - Lost Dreamers
Music For Sleep - Tanto
Music For Sleep - Two In The Afternoon
Music For Sleep - Fifteen Days
Music For Sleep - Alone, Yet Safe
Music For Sleep - A Kindly Exit
