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Neue Bilder

Neue Bilder
Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
Thomas Lehn and Marcus Schmickler have been known for building their sonic worlds for 17 years since their first album Bart. After 6 years of studio silence, here comes Neue Bilder. Their 5th album is a constant flux of musical juxtapositions, collisions and balance of their tour de force with analogue synth and computer.

The album features two tracks created from two concentrated performances in Munster and Wels, both being magnificently reworked stereo versions of their quadrophonic live concerts. Neue Bilder goes further in their development of sound with meticulously constructed abruptly appearing and disappearing abrasive and tonal sound clusters, remote echoes, and lonely remnants.

The CD comes in an awesome artwork by Heike Sperling - who also did the cover for Bart (2000), adding to a time-warp just like the musicians' instruments.

MIKROTON recordings was releasing experimental music [2005-2021] and now it exists in archival mode with no future activities planned. Founded in 2005 and curated by Kurt Liedwart, Sergey Kolosov and Christian Müller.

Distribution: Fonodroom (NL), Soundohm (IT), Squidco (USA).

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Thomas Lehn & Marcus Schmickler - 12022016
Thomas Lehn & Marcus Schmickler - 9112013
