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Choi Sun Bae is one of Korea's 1st generation jazz musicians, being active in the Korean scene for over 50 years, and has the distinction of being one of Korea's only free jazz improvising masters. Although Choi was quite active in the Korean free improv starting from the 1970's, in recent years he has mainly performed and recorded this type of music during trips to Japan, while sticking to his other specialty, traditional jazz, in Korea.

Upon invitation from Korea's foremost experimental arts venue, Ghetto Alive, Choi performed a solo improvised concert in June of 2020 and since then has re-connected to the current improvising circles of musicians and audience members centered around that venue. This recording represents the first of many recordings and performances of Choi's new trio and his recent reentry into the Korean experimental music scene.

Choi Sun Bae- Trumpet
Sunjae Lee- Saxophone
Junyoung Song- Drums

with credit and appreciation to

Mung is a Korean expression "멍" roughly translated as "spacing out", a process during which our conscious minds step back and allow our subconscious minds to take over, much like what happens in the art of improvisation. MM focuses on improvised and original music from Seoul, Korea and is mainly recorded using a vintage Tascam 424 cassette 4 track recorder. All artwork by Sunjae Lee.

Found tracks

Choi Sun Bae, Sunjae Lee, Junyoung Song - Geese
Choi Sun Bae, Sunjae Lee, Junyoung Song - Gears
Choi Sun Bae, Sunjae Lee, Junyoung Song - Games
Choi Sun Bae, Sunjae Lee, Junyoung Song - Geysers
Choi Sun Bae, Sunjae Lee, Junyoung Song - Growlers
Choi Sun Bae, Sunjae Lee, Junyoung Song - Ghosts
