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How heavy the blackness is, yet how easily pierced by light. The night reluctantly recedes from the advance of electricity; a grid of incandescent windows, the shreik of a bright advertisement, the swinging beams of a passing vehicle. The fragments of night scuttle off in all directions, to hide in the glades, and collect the in dark corners, the lightless caverns of the imagination.

This anthology draws acousmatic portraits of reveries or direct experiences of the night, whose interchange with the day forms one of the most fundamental dichotomies of human existence.

The project ( ) is the brainchild of intermedia artist Lloyd Dunn, a founding member of the Tape-beatles, and editor of the zines PhotoStatic and Retrofuturism. It comprises sound works, photographs, travelogue essays and similar digital artifacts, which often reflect the artist’s frequent travels and esthetic thinking.

Found tracks - night poem
Download - milky way
Download - passage
Download - nocturne
