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Kronblade, the Danish word for “petals”, is Irene’s debut solo album. The album includes six instrumental electroacoustic tracks recorded in a studio in Copenhagen in November 2023.

Kronblade music aims to explore the spontaneous and unconventional, leaving space for unpredictability and whimsicality. Most of the sounds, rhythms and melodies have been collected and composed over the last years, during travelling around cities, in nature and in Irene’s everyday life. The tracks present layers of flexible forms and have a large use of improvisation.

The acoustic instrumentation includes mainly percussion, from vibraphone and vintage bass drums to metal objects, bells, shakers, paper carillon, wind-up toys and an old zeither. Electronic sounds, effects and field recordings have had a main role in the creation process, not as an opposition but as a fundamental, complement merging component.

permanent draft is all womxn label and imprint founded by Valentina Magaletti and Fanny Chiarello highlighting works with a certain taste for fragmentary, irrepressible creative eruption and lo-fi experiments; leaving the grandiose apart to pay and bring attention to the sounds, details and anecdotes of everyday life, picking up raw material from the ordinary

Found tracks

Irene Bianco - Tuesdays are our Saturdays
Irene Bianco - Sussulti
Irene Bianco - Hvid //
Irene Bianco - Eye Ink
Irene Bianco - kronblade i
Irene Bianco - Op ned
