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Oblivion Opens

Oblivion Opens
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600 copies on black vinyl
Comes with outer card sleeve, poster and lyrics insert

Includes digital pre-order of Oblivion Opens. You get 2 tracks now (streaming via the free Bandcamp app and also available as a high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more), plus the complete album the moment it’s released.
Brighton, UK unit Imposter have been crafting their personal style of hardcore since 2017, unleashing a unique balancing act between hardcore, punk and black metal, and after four years in the making, here we finally have their debut LP, Oblivion Opens. Sinister and brooding, it’s as if Bathory had incorporated Cold as Life into their sound.

The album deals with themes of depression, death and revenge explored through unique lenses on each track, with the unforgiving darkness of 90s Holy Terror bands. “Losing grip on your mortality is primitively terrifying, but life on earth can be much more sickening.”

Imposter has created a masterclass of Negative Hardcore throughout the tracks that make up Oblivion Opens, turning the unimaginable horrors of life into an sonic offering that will pull listeners directly into the hellish story of the album.

A home for UKHC and friends. DIY. Only good looking releases. Accept no imitations.

Found tracks

Imposter - Kings Uncrowned
Imposter - Tomb Chamber
Imposter - Torment
Imposter - Infernal Reign
Imposter - Oblivion Opens (The First Attempt)
Imposter - Eulogy of Delusion
Imposter - The Cell Bound
Imposter - Funeral March
Imposter - Barbaric Apparitions of War (Interlude)
Imposter - Grave Mistake
Imposter - Only the Few Remain
