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Bien Triste

Bien Triste
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RATA NEGRA – Bien Triste 7”

RATA NEGRA are back with two tracks of what at this point has become their trademark sound. A mixture of perfectly balanced vocal harmonies, bouncy punk, surf guitars and melancholic vibes which is highly addictive from the first note.

A side Ella Está En Fiestas takes GIRLS AT OUR BEST and RIK AGNEW on a all night party that borrows a BAUHAUS tittle, while the hypnotic flip Bien Triste takes us in a downspiral trip emanating the spirit of GOLPES BAJOS, THE RONETTES and even late 70’s BOWIE.

released by La Vida Es Un Mus in May 5, 2023

Found tracks

Rata Negra - Ella Está En Fiestas
Rata Negra - Bien Triste
