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Suicide Squad

Suicide Squad
Includes high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app.
This is an album the likes of which I've never done and never will again... Joker and Suicide Squad based songs... I hope you enjoy this as much as I did making it. The beats and hooks to me are mind blowing, and it includes worldwide superstar feats from the likes of Selena Gomez, 21 Pilots and a lot more...

None of this is fictional. These are all real life stories I personally lived.

Revolt Motion is a non-profit, grassroots based, revolutionary intersectional database of subversive and activist music, resources, books, art, oracles and free links & portals towards much more in these days and times of mass deception and mainstream propaganda... co-founded and repurposed by Kalki aka Antony of Egypt, Legion & Sunya Morikawa, RM is a blueprint for all for better tomorrows...

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We found a link where it is possible to download the entire album for free, in high quality!
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Found tracks

Joker & Suicide Squad - Heathens
Joker & Suicide Squad - Stand My Ground
Joker & Suicide Squad - I Am the Joker
Joker & Suicide Squad - What a Joke...
Joker & Suicide Squad - Change Of Plans
Joker & Suicide Squad - Cold Veins
Joker & Suicide Squad - Agents of Chaos
Joker & Suicide Squad - Paranoid Thoughts
Joker & Suicide Squad - The Straight Jacket
Joker & Suicide Squad - Call For Backup
Joker & Suicide Squad - So Many Scars
Joker & Suicide Squad - Who's Left to Call?
Joker & Suicide Squad - Heart of Mine
