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Everything Could Be Fine

Everything Could Be Fine
Immediate download of 8-track album in your choice of 320k mp3, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire.
Sun Glitters sound is an ocean of lush melodies, pitch-shifted vocal samples, ghostly digi-diva choirs, warm bass melodies driven by alternately dense and relaxing beatwork combinations between downtempo and wonky beats.

Boards of Canada, Burial, Balam Acab


Victor Ferreira från Luxemburg har sedan ett par dagar tillbaka skapat en rejäl buzz kring sitt nya (han har tidigare gått under namnet Sug(r)cane) projekt Sun Glitters och albumet everything could be fine. Och med all rätt. Hybriden av varma och frodiga basgångar, samplingar som ibland påminner om Burial, fängslande körsång, samt makliga och något stammande beats är klockren.

(Via No Modest Bear)


When I first listened to Sun Glitters debut release, Everything Could Be Fine, I was smitten. I lay back and played the tracks on repeat as lazy phrases and disconnected thoughts jumped through my head… Somehow time seemed to stretch and calm. Through the album I kept waiting for a time I would lose interest, I had work to do! But it just never happened, I honestly don’t think there’s a song on this record I don’t love.

(Via Dead As Digital)


Wassup world – been enjoying bobbing around in the pools of heavenly goo that run together to make “Too Much To Lose” – this hot’n‘heavy, soft-focus club sleepwalker by Sun Glitters. Taken from their self-released “Everything Could Be Fine”, it’s a gorgeously patient, magnetic listen – poltergeist-pitched vocal squeals hovering in and out of thick, cosmic synth clouds like formation fireflies in Summertime dead of night.

(Via Transparent )


Pretty stoked by the by the lush and mysterious sounds of Sun Glitters, which is the recording moniker of Victor Ferreira who despite his name appears to be based out of Luxembourg.

(Via No Fear Of Pop

:* S un G li tt ers ✧·゚

No th! ng !s per m an ent
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Found tracks

Sun Glitters - beside me
Sun Glitters - too much to lose
Sun Glitters - a dragonfly in the city (feat. Emily Richards)
Sun Glitters - feel it (feat. Suzi Q. Smith)
Sun Glitters - softly and slowly (feat. Rob Boak)
Sun Glitters - find your way (see)
Sun Glitters - love me
Sun Glitters - everything could be fine
