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The Thing

The Thing
Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
Released on Crazy Wisdom - 2000

Only once in a great while does a group of musicians come along with an inherent discipline that dares to question the realm between the known and the unknown. Mats Gustafsson, Ingebrigt Håker Flaten and Paal Nilssen-Love of the Scandinavian Power Trio, “The Thing,” provide a language so determined in its musical complexity, boundaries literally and figuratively disappear/Lloyd Peterson, April 200

Found tracks

The Thing - Awake Nu
The Thing - Mopti
The Thing - Cherryco
The Thing - Ode to Don
The Thing - The Art Of Steve Roney - Smilin'
The Thing - Trans-Love Airways
