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Astroalien EP - Imagination Engineers

Astroalien EP - Imagination Engineers
Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
In a world where dreams intertwine with digital landscapes, "Imagination Engineers" invites you on a sonic journey that transcends the boundaries of reality. This album is an exploration of the delicate balance between ethereal melodies and the powerful pulse of technology.

Welcome to a world where dreams are engineered, and every sound tells a story.

Warromaja Records is an independent music label started in 2012 with the precise intent to support the growing of the artist.

Our goal is to release the most interesting and qualitative hitech music. Also we like to give the change to undiscovered artists to get heard.

Found tracks

Astroalien - Astroalien & Inraxx - Code Breakers 195 BPM
Astroalien - Astroalien & Orvytal - Killer Minds 197 bpm
Astroalien - Astroalien & Laserbreak - Dreams 198 BPM
Astroalien - Astroalien & Hawk - End of the World 201 BPM
Astroalien - Astroalien & Narxz & Nyotech - Algorithm 214 BPM
