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Organic WACs: 2 for $3.00

Organic WACs: 2 for $3.00
Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
6 Tracks / ~14 Minutes

"Last fall, I set out to write a set of duets and in the process experiment with arrangement and the relationship between guitar and voice. Recorded to tape, 'Organic WACs: 2 for $3.00' proved to be very time consuming and difficult to produce, as I had never used tape to record before- I don't say that to mean I didn't have fun or learn a lot in the process though!

I've been trying to eat more organic food lately and wondered what organic music might sound like and while I'm not exactly sure what that means or if I even came up with an effective answer, I've come to appreciate the "fruits" of my labor.

Thanks to Matt for letting me borrow his TASCAM 414, to Eun for helping me with the cover art, and to the United Worker's Party, USA​ for putting this release out on cassette."

-WAC, 2018

'Ol boy from Texas...

Found tracks

William Austin Clay - I'm Confused
William Austin Clay - And In Ignorance
William Austin Clay - You Cannot Choose
William Austin Clay - Where To Ask For
William Austin Clay - Un-Do
William Austin Clay - If Only For A Day
William Austin Clay - Consensus Says [Cassette-Only Bonus Track]
William Austin Clay - Far Away, Yesterday [Cassette-Only Bonus Track]
William Austin Clay - That Took A Lot To Say [Cassette-Only Bonus Track]
William Austin Clay - But Who Cares [Cassette-Only Bonus Track]
William Austin Clay - Not Meant For Everybody [Cassette-Only Bonus Track]
William Austin Clay - No Need [Cassette-Only Bonus Track]
