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Winter Solstice 2023: A Winter-Light Mix

Winter Solstice 2023: A Winter-Light Mix
Includes high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app.
A deep and dark electronic mix from Winter-Light label owner Mark O'Shea.

'This selection is taken from my 'Nacht' Radio Show - A Winter Solstice Special 21,12,2023. I have created a seamless mix from some of the tracks that I played during the program.

All tracks are taken from our releases on the Winter-Light label. Enjoy!'

00:00 Foetusdreams - Brouillard

06:15 Inner Vision Laboratory - Death Seer

10:25 Electronicdeathblackdogs - Hollow Hills

14:50 Gydja - Við

19:00 Kloob - Dali’s Universe

23:55 Ajna & Onasander - Routing The Empusa

27:30 Rapoon - On An Even Keel

32:30 Argyre Planitia - Pharos Crater

36:50 Alone In The Hollow Garden & Nam-Khar - Agni

42:20 Ashtoreth & Onasander - Inferis

Winter-Light is a record label and online store based in NH, The Netherlands, specialising in ambient, experimental and drone soundscapes.

Our goal is to release new and interesting music within these genres without imposing limitations on the possibilities. Exploring new areas, pushing at boundaries, or working within current structures can always produce beautiful and interesting results.

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Winter-Light - Winter Solstice 2023: A Winter-Light Mix
